Congregational Update: 9/15/2023

Dear Church Family,

Next Week and Beyond:
  • Sunday (Sept. 17th) Worship at 9am Bible Sunday for 3rd graders & 3 year olds
10am Coffee & Treats, Sunday School, CHOIR (practice in the balcony after worship)
  • NEW: Wednesday, Sept. 20th 5:30-6pm Supper, 6-7 Youth Program for kids k-12, Parents can also gather in a group.
  • THIS WEDNEDAY, Confirmation will be with their MENTORS from 6-7pm
We are looking for a helper(s) for this supper and also for High School Youth. Please email or call the office if you are interested.
  • Thursday, Sept. 21st 8am Bible Study 8:30am Quilters 9:30am Ruth Circle
  • Next Sunday, Sept. 24th  9am Worship 10am Coffee, Sunday School, Choir
  •  Sunday 24th- Sunday School will be at Z Orchard (Bill Zager's on the intersection of C & F) Parents can bring their kids there right after worship. Any other adults that want to join them are invited. We will thank God for creation, bees, maple syrup and apples.
 Church in Society is collecting items for School Kits through Sept. 17th. Lists are located by the display in the narthex.
 Happy Birthday!
 19 Chad Kinzer, Jackson Rude, Tom Van Someren
 21 Eleanore Amans, Mitchell Meyer
 23 Amy Bjorge
Happy Anniversary!
 18 Travis & Kendal Bauermeister (3 years)
In September: Gregg & Jill Olson are our Ushers, Gwen Wold is our Lector, Linda Tempel provides Communion Bread, and Work Group Three headed by Cheryl Heiden and Julie Riemenschneider provides treats. Ruth Circle serves treats this Sunday.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th, will be a FUN DAY at First Lutheran, with a slightly changed schedule!! Our ANNUAL MEETING will be held at 9am, Worship at 10am, Potluck at 11am, followed by a noon program by the LOONEY LUTHERANS (from Church Basement Ladies).

 ANNUAL REPORT REMINDER! Articles and reports to be included in the ANNUAL REPORT ARE DUE IN TO THE OFFICE BY SEPTEMBER 29TH.  This includes WELCA, Men in Mission, Property Committee, Worship/Parish Life & Long Range Planning Committee, Youth & Parish Education, Church in Society, Quilters, Choir, Life Endowment, Evangelism and Stewardship. Committee leaders or their Council representatives should submit reports.
Are you interested in providing foster care for children in our county? The need is urgent! If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss this with coordinators through Polk County, please call Tiffanie Dagestad at 715-768-9568 or email her at OR call Alisha Olson at 715-554-3924 or email her at Alisha.olson@polk

Online Giving to FLC

Are you aware you can give to First Lutheran Church on your phone through our app or on our website?   Do you have questions about online giving?  Find answers here
We thank you for your support of our Ministry!

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