For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of god.

Ephesians 2:8-9

The focus of our Confirmation program is to immerse youth into the study of Lutheran Theology through activities & games, service, self-reflection, and--perhaps most importantly--caring and faithful conversations with peers, parents, and adult mentors. We have a three-year rotating focus: Old Testament, New Testament, & Lutheranism. 

So what all do we do throughout the year?

We have a variety of programming for our middle school aged youth.
Check it out!

Wednesday Confirmation

On Wednesday nights throughout the school year we meet from 6:00-7:00 to learn about the New & Old Testaments and Lutheranism on a three-year rotation. We often have parent or mentor nights so cross-generational connections and wisdom can be shared to nurture faith.

Sunday Confirmation

On Sundays we meet following Worship for a more informal class. We'll share high's & low's, talk about what's going on in our lives, and connect it to what we heard in worship. 


Faith Used in Everyday Life is our community youth program that meets 6 times throughout the school year. 80+ kids from area church gather together for a meal and some sort of program, activity or service project, including food collection and yard raking. 

Other Fun Activities

  • Luther Point Fall Retreat
  • Lock-Ins
  • More to be determined

youth calendar

Here's the calendar relevant to only Youth Families. If you want to see the complete church calendar, click the box below! You can also download a printable .pdf version of the calendar, complete with weekly topics, confirmation requirements, and other information you might find handy.

Confirmation Weekly updates

Youth Update 2/28/2025
February 28th, 2025
YOUTH HANDBELLS will meet on Wednesdays during Lent starting on Ash Wednesday. When we are at Our Savior's, Liz will shuttle the kids to First Lutheran to practice from 6:30-7:15pm OR meet at First Lutheran. They will perform at First Lutheran on Palm Sunday. Please call or email the church office to confirm your child's participation.Hi League will continue to meet at First Lutheran on Wednesdays...
Youth Update 1/25/2025
January 25th, 2025
SOME NEW THINGS FOR OUR YOUTHSunday School starting Feb. 2, meet from 9-9:25am. That way, our kids and teachers can be a part of the sermon & Holy Communion. We would love to have more kids in the program.Wed. Feb. 5 & 263:30: K-5th Faith & Fun AT Our Savior’sALL Feb. Wednesday All Youth Meal 5pm AT Our Savior’sAll Feb. CONFIRMATION AT OUR SAVIORS 5:30-6:30(NO Mentors on Feb. 12)High School Wednes...
Youth Update 1/10/2025
January 10th, 2025
FYI:  No more family suppers in January!......
Youth Update 1/3/2025
January 3rd, 2025
NOTICE: All Youth & Parents Planning Session. Wednesday January 8th 6pm in Sanctuary....
Youth Update 11/27/2024
November 27th, 2024
We will be having practice for all kids, K-12 that are volunteering and willing to help us put on the annual Christmas program on Sunday December 15th during the service.There are only three practices left.  Wednesday December 4th 6-7pmThis Sunday the 8th of December after church at 10am.Wednesday December 11th 6-7pmPlease consider joining us and preparing to present the program as we celebrate th...

Confirmation and High League Events

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First Lutheran Church © 2019