Congregational Update: 9/13/2024

Dear Church Family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with Karen Swager's family at her death, and with Diane and Al Amans and family at the death of her brother-in-law, Phil Smith.

This Weeks Schedule

  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Choir rehearses, Coffee/Treats in our Fellowship Hall, Sunday School outdoors 
  • Sept. 15 Community Middle School & High School Noon: Lunch at Trinity Lutheran, 1-3 at Ox Lake
  • 3pm Bishop Martin Halom's Installation @ Hope Lutheran, Eau Claire 

  • 5:30pm Family Supper 
  • 6pm Confirmation 

  • 8am Bible Study 
  • 8:30am Quilters 
  • 9:30am Ruth Circle

Sunday, September 22: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats, Sunday School, Choir rehearses
ATTENTION!! ANNUAL REPORT DEADLINE!!! All Committee chairmen and leaders of all organizations please take note!! Your reports for the ANNUAL REPORT are due in to the Church Office by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th.

Amery Health Happiness Walk & Block Party proceeds for Amery Schools Mental Health Collaborative Sept. 28 - email church if you want to provide a fundraising basket Time: 10am-2pm

Please email the office if you'd be willing to provide a meal(s) for Larry & Teresa as they heal. They will greatly appreciate your help during this difficult time.

HEARING AID BATTERIES have been donated by Del Schalz. Size 10 RayOVac. Let us know if you can use them!

For September: Linda Tempel will provide Communion Bread. Julie Riemenschneider is our Lector and Glen & Bobbi Clausen are our Ushers.

School Supplies Needed!

We are collecting School Supplies for local and global youth. Please pick up a list or a bag in the narthex in the back of our sanctuary. Thanks!
THE AMERY FOOD SHELF thanks you! Your generous donations are appreciated. For now, they have plenty of soups!
Happy Birthday Blessings!
15 Lee Jones, 16 Helen Carlson, Leah Hoffmann, Chloe Nelson, 19 Chad Kinzer, Jackson Rude, Tom Van Someren, 21 Eleanore Amans, Mitchell Meyer

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