Bulletin: October 15th, 2023
by Steve Osero on October 13th, 2023
PRAYER Almighty God, source of every blessing, your generous goodness comes to us anew every day. By the work of your Spirit lead us to acknowledge your goodness, give thanks for your benefits, and serve you in willing obedience; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen  Read More
Congregational Update: 10/13/2023
by Steve Osero on October 13th, 2023
Annual meeting 9am this Sunday Service at 10. Potluck at 11. Looney Lutherans at 12. Open to the public, free will offering.  Read More
Congregational Update: 10/6/2023
by Steve Osero on October 6th, 2023
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Looking ahead to next Sunday, October 15th: It will be a FUN DAY at First Lutheran, with a changed schedule!! ANNUAL MEETING will be held at 9am, Worship at 10am, Old fashioned Lutheran Potluck at 11am, Followed by a noon program by the LOONEY LUTHERANS (from Church Basement Ladies) at noon. Please invite all looney Lutherans and anyone else you can think of for a lot of joy and laughter.  Read More
Oct 11th Confirmation with Mentors
by Steve Osero on October 6th, 2023
Mentor Night Oct 11th. 9th Graders....your sermons are needed so they can be reviewed.  Read More
Bulletin: October 8th, 2023
by Steve Osero on October 6th, 2023
PRAYER: Our Lord Jesus, you have endured the doubts and foolish questions of every generation. Forgive us for trying to be judge over you, and grant us the confident faith to acknowledge you as Lord. Amen  Read More
Congregational Update: 9/29/2023
by Steve Osero on October 1st, 2023
We need ushers for October. Please email back if you can help. Thanks! ANNUAL REPORT REMINDER! Articles and reports to be included in the ANNUAL REPORT ARE DUE IN TO THE OFFICE A.S.A.P. This includes WELCA, Men in Mission, Property Committee, Worship/Parish Life & Long Range Planning Committee, Youth & Parish Education, Church in Society, Quilters, Choir, Life Endowment, Evangelism and Stewardship. Committee leaders or their Council representatives should submit reports.   Read More






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